Intelligence Fusion and Lawful Interception for Law Enforcement

Bring lawful intercept audio and IP together with any data source within 4Sight — the platform that set the standard for law enforcement solutions.

The ever-growing volume of digital evidence poses a significant challenge for law enforcement. Criminals, armed with increasingly sophisticated tools like dark web marketplaces and anonymization software further complicate investigations, leading to rising crime rates and delayed justice for communities. 4Sight breaks down investigative silos by streamlining your lawful intercept practice and fusing it with all other intelligence sources. In a holistic case view, AI analytics surface actionable insights from millions of data points in seconds – helping you build cases with a higher degree of defensibility, faster.

icon visualizing the concept of extending the scope of work to complete missions

Extend the Scope

Collect and connect data from any source – live and historical, structured and unstructured — for full evidential visibility.

icon of lightbulb and various visualizations to visualize the concept of uncovering insights and technology

Uncover Insights

Move swiftly through complex data with dynamic visualizations and AI analytics that extract breakthroughs faster.

Icon to communicate data protection

Act with Confidence

Focus on building stronger cases for prosecution knowing your chain of custody is secure, compliant and admissible.

Streamlined Lawful Intercept

From standards-based audio and IP collection to monitoring to reporting, 4Sight keeps your team streamlined in one secure, compliant platform. Integrated alerts, like geofence and proximity, make sure critical evidence doesn’t get missed when stakes are high.

UI of 4SIght's live monitoring product

Break Down Silos

Strengthen your investigation by fusing your lawful interception evidence with other relevant data sources within the same platform. Flexible APIs allow you to extend the scope of collection to any scaling requirements in a changing threat landscape – IP, surveillance video, OSINT, crypto, deep web, financial transactions, and much more.

UI of 4Sight's data ingest view of various sessions

Focus on What Matters

Reduce the excess noise of digital investigation with 4Sight’s secure and compliant Machine Learning and AI analytics. From translation and transcription to object recognition and a Chat-GPT-like investigative assistant that responds to queries, orchestrate your data with automated workflows for faster evidence prioritization and case closure.

UI of 4Sight's AI object detection capability

Go from Data Points to Corroboration

Represent all your data — live and historical, structured and unstructured — in intelligence fusion visualizations that surface breakthroughs for fast decisions when it matters most. Turn-key investigative views such as entities, live-location maps, link charts, timelines, threaded-chat, and more make the entire team impactful without overspending on resourcing.

UI of 4Sight's link charts visualization

Build Ironclad Cases for Prosecution

Never take two steps back. 4Sight’s auditable chain of custody eliminates error-prone manual processes, ensuring meticulous compliance with all laws and regulations. Focus on strategic casework knowing your evidence is legally sound. Leverage time saved to pursue deeper investigations and analysis, ultimately strengthening your pursuit of justice.

lawyer in a court room working on a case

Mission-Critical 4Sight Use Cases


Surface suspicious behaviour, disrupt threats, and protect national security.


Dismantle networks, identify victims, and bring traffickers to justice faster.


Unravel complex webs, pinpoint key players, and bring down entire operations.


Surveil illicit activity, corroborate evidence, dismantle entire groups.


Expose hidden schemes, build airtight cases, and hold corrupt officials accountable.


Find missing children, identify predators, and prevent abuse before it happens.

A Platform the Whole Agency can Get Behind

  • Increase operational efficiency
  • Reduce costs with a single platform instead of bespoke tools
  • Strengthen team and inter-department collaboration
  • Foster data-driven decision making
  • Speed up investigations and reduce case backlogs
team in a meeting working at a table together

  • Straightforward usability for quick adoption
  • Improved workflows for more value-add work
  • Uncover breakthroughs faster
  • Share investigation updates more clearly
  • Build cases with a higher degree of defensibility
woman working in front of various screens, focused

  • Boost the team’s situational awareness
  • Automate routine, time-consuming tasks
  • Never miss a critical piece of evidence
  • Always stay compliant with regulatory change
  • Facilitate real-time, fast collaboration
Monitor in front a of a computer with a headset on working

  • Future-proof your tech-stack
  • Minimize support tickets and IT system burdens
  • Prevent sprawling investigative IT costs
  • Support more diverse investigator needs
  • Meet compliance requirements and safeguard sensitive information
team in a meeting working at a table together woman working in front of various screens, focused Monitor in front a of a computer with a headset on working


Reach your Investigative Potential with JSI

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